
Find an agent

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More than 100 agents
across South Africa

Laeveld Agrochem’s (franchisees) are qualified agronomists accredited by CropLife South Africa (formerly AVCASA).

In each region, agents receive support from experienced Business Managers, enabling detailed recommendations for both corrective and proactive measures on the farm.

Operating as a franchise business model, our dedicated team can assist growers with detailed recommendations to optimise yield per hectare.

Through strategic collaboration with our technology partner, Agri Technovation, we offer innovative solutions such as MyFarmWeb™ and Picklogger™, tailored to meet the evolving needs of modern agriculture.


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Need help finding an agent?

Laeveld Agrochem makes it easy to find your nearest representative. If you would like some assistance in doing so, please see the options to locate an agent below.

If you know the name of the exact Laeveld Agrochem agent you are looking to find, you can type their details into the “Search for an agent” field available on the “Find an agent” page.

If you know the area in which you are looking to find a Laeveld Agrochem agent, you can follow any of these options:

  1. You can select the name of the province from the “Province” dropdown list available on the “Find an agent” page.
  2. You can select the name of the depot area from the “Depot area” dropdown list available on the “Find an agent” page.
  3. You can type the name of the area or province into the “Search for an agent” field available on the “Find an agent” page.

If you do not know the area in which you are looking to find a Laeveld Agrochem agent or their name, we advise you to contact us directly and we will gladly assist you in finding an agent.

Het u hulp nodig om 'n agent te vind?

Laeveld Agrochem maak dit maklik om jou naaste verteenwoordiger te vind. As jy hulp wil hê om dit te doen, sien asseblief die opsies om ‘n agent hieronder op te spoor.

As jy die naam van die presiese Laeveld Agrochem-agent weet wat jy soek, kan jy hul besonderhede in die “Soek vir ‘n agent”-veld wat beskikbaar is op die “Vind ‘n agent”-bladsy intik.

As jy die area ken waarin jy ‘n Laeveld Agrochem-agent soek, kan jy enige van hierdie opsies volg:

  1. Jy kan die naam van die provinsie kies uit die “Provinsie” aftreklys beskikbaar op die “Vind ‘n agent” bladsy.
  2. Jy kan die naam van die depotarea kies uit die “Depot area” aftreklys beskikbaar op die “Vind ‘n agent” bladsy.
  3. Jy kan die naam van die area of provinsie tik in die “Soek vir ‘n agent”-veld wat beskikbaar is op die “Vind ‘n agent”-bladsy.

Indien jy nie die area ken waarin jy ‘n Laeveld Agrochem agent of hul naam soek nie, raai ons jou aan om ons direk te kontak en ons sal jou graag bystaan om ‘n agent te kry.

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