Bly op hoogte van die nuutste gewasbeskerming, plantvoeding, landbou-tegnologie asook maatskappy nuus. Die Laeveld Agrochem GROEI tydskrif is jou gratis landbou-MBA en beskikbaar vanaf ons agente. ‘n Digitale kopie (PDF) kan ook hier afgelaai word.
Oorweeg die weer, voor weerstand die skuld kry
Back to basics met onkruidbestuur in grane
Kweek ‘n gesonde ekosisteem vir volhoubare pesbestuur
Nuwe elektroniese spuit vir veilige toediening van Methastem 585 SL
PICKLOGGER™ – ‘n ware game changer
The effect of KELPURA™ on pollen tube dynamics
Mikro-elemente as plantvoeding: Boor onder die vergrootglas
Kalsium: ’n Kern-element vir kernvrugte
The importance of soybean inoculants
Wyndruiwe: Knopbreek-koolhidrate kraai koning
Laeveld Agrochem’s agents (franchisees) are qualified agronomists accredited by CropLife South Africa (formerly AVCASA).
In each region, agents receive support from experienced Business Managers, enabling detailed recommendations for both corrective and proactive measures on the farm.
Operating as a franchise business model, our dedicated team can assist growers with detailed recommendations to optimise yield per hectare.
Through strategic collaboration with our technology partner, Agri Technovation, we offer innovative solutions such as MyFarmWeb™ and Picklogger™, tailored to meet the evolving needs of modern agriculture.
In case of a poisoning emergency, please contact the numbers below.